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Pedal Troubleshooting

Updated on March 25, 2024

The Pedals will not register in the RaceHub™.

Check if the different LEDs on the pedals’ print are turned on – located behind the transparent plastic cover where you connect the USB cable.

  1. Light in LED 1 verifies that the pedal gets power.
  2. Light in LED 3 verifies that communication between pedals and pc has been established.
  3. Light in LED 5 verifies that the clutch is connected.
  • Check if the cable is inserted properly in the pedals and PC.
  • Try to remove the USB-cable from the PC and insert the cable again.
  • Try restarting RaceHub™.
  • Update RaceHub™ to the latest version.
  • Update the firmware.
  • Did liquid get into the LEDs or USB connection on the pedals?

Pedal face plate seems loose

  • Make sure the screws are tightened.
  • If not, use allen key to tighten the screws.

Issues with calibration

  • Make sure the thumb screws are properly tightened to ensure the pedals angle doesn’t get out of position.
  • Remember to adjust calibration, dead zone, and pedal mapping when you’ve mechanically adjusted your pedals.

The calibration column doesn’t stand still while the pedals are in rest position

  • Try to re-calibrate your pedals in RaceHub™.
  • Set your deadzone % to another level.

USB-cable doesn’t register

  • Check if the different LEDs on the pedals’ print are turned on – located behind the transparent plastic cover where you connect the USB cable. 
  1. Light in LED 1 verifies that the pedal gets power.
  2. Light in LED 3 verifies that communication between pedals and pc has been established.
  3. Light in LED 5 verifies that the clutch is connected

If LED 3 doesn’t light up, you are probably facing a connection issue either from not connecting the USB cable fully to the pedal or an error on your cable.
Please try the following steps:

  1.  Press the cable fully on the pedals
  2. Try flipping the cable 180 degrees.
  3. If the above doesn’t solve the issue, please try with another USB cable, if possible.
  4.  If you are using the supplied USB-C to USB-C cable, try to switch to USB-C to USB-A.
    If you are using the supplied USB-A to USB-A cable, try to switch to USB-C to USB-C.
    If this doesn’t work, please contact your point of purchase.

My pedals don’t register when I connect to another branded wheelbase

• The Asetek SimSports® Invicta™ Pedals are not compatible with connection to third party wheel bases.
• Instead, plug the cable into your PC.

My Pedals don’t register when I connect to my console (Xbox/PlayStation)

• Asetek SimSports® Pedals are not compatible with consoles.

My pedals don’t register in my game

• Please check if the Asetek SimSports® Pedals are compatible with the game you are playing. (

The clutch doesn’t register in the RaceHub

  • Make sure that the cable connection between Clutch to the Brake and Throttle is properly inserted, by following the steps described in the user-manual –
  • Check if the different LEDs on the pedals’ print are turned on – located behind the transparent plastic cover where you connect the USB cable. 
  1. Light in LED 1 verifies that the pedal gets power.
  2. Light in LED 3 verifies that communication between pedals and pc has been established.
  3. Light in LED 5 verifies that the clutch is connected
  • If you see the LEDs doing an alternating pattern, the chip is in bootloader mode. Make sure you connect the pedals without touching the throttle and open RaceHub®. RaceHub® will install the updated firmware.
  • Did liquid get into the LEDs on the clutch?

How do I update the firmware of my pedals?

  1. Open RaceHub™.
  2. Navigate to the Pedals section.
  3. Select the i-icon located in the top right corner. 
  4. Select Update Pedals.
  5. RaceHub will now try to update the pedals firmware. 
  1. If the update didn’t go as planned, you can try doing a manul update. This is done the following way:
    1. Disconnect your pedals.
    Press down your throttle and while pressed, reconnect the pedals.
  2. This will set the pedals in bootloader mode for 15 seconds. It is illustrated by the LED cycling between red, green, and blue.
  3. While in bootloader mode run the Invicta_DFU.bat file to install the latest firmware.
    The file is located in Drive(A-Z):\Asetek SimSports\RaceHub\Application Folder\Firmware Update Tools\STM.

There is no pressure resistance in the brake cylinder

• Check if the elastomer is properly inserted and the thumb screw fastened, if not insert the preferred elastomer and lock it with
the thumb screw.
• If this doesn’t help, please contact your point of purchase.

The brake pedal feels too soft or too strong

• Change the elastomer to the preferred hardness, described in the user-manual (
• Make sure to tighten the thumb screw to your preferred setting.

Experience squeaking noise from your brake pedal

• Try lubricating your cylinder rod with PTFE Dry lube or mineral oil.
• If this didn’t work: Try lubricating other moving parts, i.e. brake clevis lock pin. with PFTE Dry Lube.
• If the noise persists, please contact your point of purchase

My gas pedal makes a clicky noise when fully pressed – What can I do?

When you are experiencing loud bouncy/clicking noises on the throttle, it’s due to a lack of adjustments as the pedal arm is below the “tipping point”

Check up the following:

The plastic spring holder housing is pointing correctly (seat for plastic spring holder).
The spring end stop must not hit the plastic spring holder (2-3mm of gap is needed).
End stop must be adjusted higher (pedal end stop).

Explanation found in article “Throttle preload adjustment”.

The brake cylinder is loose and can be moved from side to side.

The movement of the brake cylinder is intended and perfectly normal. The brake cylinder must be able to move, as there can be different tolerances depending on the angle of the pedal. The bottom bearing is a spherical bearing that can move in both directions.

I experience a squeak from the throttle pedal

Typically you need to lubricate the following:

Throttle rod
Spring on the pedal arm

We recommend using PFTE dry spray lubrication for the throttle when squeaks occur.

Please also be aware that the plastic spring holder can be flipped and this will also make a squeak.

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