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Asetek is Nominated for the Danish District Heating Prize 2021 - Asetek

Asetek is Nominated for the Danish District Heating Prize 2021

Asetek, along with Aalborg Forsyning, is being recognized for proving that data centers can reduce their carbon emissions. The recognition comes from the organization Danish District Heating Association who has just nominated Asetek as one of three candidates for the District Heating Prize 2021. The prize will be awarded at the organization’s annual meeting on October 28th.

The prize is usually awarded – but not always – to one of Denmark’s many district heating plants, which in this context makes the nomination of Asetek unusual.

Watch this video to learn more about the background for the nomination (in Danish):

Direct processor liquid cooling, which is installed in millions of gaming computers, is used by Asetek as an effective alternative to traditional air cooling, which is also often used in data centers. More than 20 major data centers, primarily in Asia and the United States, are already using Asetek technology for energy-saving reasons.

As an extra huge climate bonus at Asetek, we have documented that the processor water cooling technology is particularly suitable for efficient use of the enormous amounts of residual heat from the thousands of cooling-demanding data center servers.

We prove this by using our own test data center to supply Aalborg Forsyning’s district heating network with 60-65 degree hot water – without the need for extra energy-intensive and expensive heat pumps.

Asetek founder and CEO André Sloth Eriksen is very satisfied with the professional recognition in Danish District Heating Association’s nomination.

“With Denmark’s and the EU’s ambitious goals for CO2 reduction, the potential of processor water cooling technology is enormous, which this nomination, hopefully, can also help to make the Danish government and the Minister of Climate aware of. We already sense a positive movement in the EU with the Commission’s Green Deal proposal,” says André Sloth Eriksen.

For over a decade, Asetek has been applying its liquid cooling technology to the data center industry, effectively saving and reusing vast amounts of energy.

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