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Top Five Most Read Sim Racing Blog Posts in 2022 - Asetek

Top Five Most Read Sim Racing Blog Posts in 2022

2022 has been a crazy ride for Asetek SimSports!  

We have added A LOT of new products to our product range, and you have received them with praise and kind words. We are so grateful for that!   

We have also participated in several events where we’ve had the pleasure to showcase what we are working on and talk with many of you guys from the community.  

Besides that, we have also published several blog posts on our SimSports Blog. So, we thought we’d share the five most-read blog posts in 2022 to summarize some of the recent events here at Asetek SimSports. 

Direct Drive Wheelbases Asetek

Sim Racing Wheel and Wheelbases 

In relation to our wheel and wheelbases, we published the blog post: Introduction: Wheelbases and Sim Racing Wheels to introduce you to different aspects of sim racing wheels and wheelbases.  

To find the perfect wheel and wheelbase can be quite a task – especially if you’re new in the sim racing world. We hope we can help you make the right decision with this introduction. 

Kevin Magnussen Asetek SimSports

Kevin Magnussen x Asetek SimSports 

When we look back at 2022, there is no doubt that Kevin Magnussen has been a big part of our journey. We have established a collaboration where Kevin helps us with development and sparring to create the true feeling of Formula 1 when you race in your simulator.  

We’ve also followed Kevin on the sideline and seen how he has returned to Formula 1 and completed a stunning comeback season!  

You can read more about our partnership with Kevin Magnussen here.

hard brake system

Why You Want a Hard Brake Pedal 

Although sim racing wheels and wheelbases have taken up a lot of focus recently, the year actually started with the presentation of our Invicta and Forte Pedals. In that context, we have published a blog post that explains the advantages of a hard brake pedal

You can read it right here.

A Beginner’s Guide to Sim Racing 

At Asetek SimSports, we naturally think everyone interested in racing should try sim racing. But we also know that getting started can be a major project.  

That is why we have produced a guide for those of you who want to get started – or just want to learn more about sim racing.  

If you haven’t read the guide yet, you can find it right here.


Sim Racing Boots

Sim Racing Boots – What are the benefits? 

Racing is a sport of fine margins. To perform to your maximum every time, you have to minimize and eliminate mistakes – and sim racing boots can help you with that.  

When we introduced our Sim Racing Boots, we published a blog post explaining the benefits of driving with sim racing boots.   

You can find the blog post here.

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